CSL Education Initiatives

The Corporate Startup Lab launched its pilot Sponsored Project Course in 2017. Since then, it has become a focal point on CMU’s campus every Spring Semester. Over the last three years, CSL has partnered with over 100 students and nine companies to build transformative new internal businesses. This year, 75% of the corporate sponsors were repeat from past courses and on average 3.5 students applied for every spot available.

Beyond the initial pilot course, CSL now has a number of education initiatives available across campus for students, alumni, and corporate partners.

CSL Project Course

Pairing Corporate Sponsors with CMU interdisciplinary graduate students to build a corporate startup


CSL Fellows

A paid four-month fellowship that gives graduate students “corporate venture associate” experience

Tepper Life Long Learning

More in development, for now CSL webinar “Adapt & Integrate Entrepreneurial Best Practices into Established Companies”

Tepper Exec Ed (Strategic Partner)

CSL works with the Tepper Exec Ed to provide open enrollment and custom programs on corporate innovation techniques